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Second National Student Conference on English Language Studies
Second National Student Conference on English Language Studies In date 2018-10-09 by University of Guilan,انجمن علمي زبان و ادبيات انگليسي دانشگاه گيلان in City Rasht was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Second National Student Conference on English Language Studies
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Accepted papers in Second National Student Conference on English Language Studies
A Comparative Study of Gary Snyder and Sohrab Sepehri: Nature and Ecocriticism
Comparative Analysis of Metadiscourse Markers Used by Non-native and Native
Fragmentation of Body and Mind in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve
Impact of Explicit Instruction of Strategic Thinking on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension and L2 Lexical Growth
Investigating the Iranian University Students’ Attitude towards English as a Foreign Language across Majors
Investigating the Relationship between Self-efficacy and Attitude and Speaking Skills of Iranian EFL Learners
Investigating the Role of Emotional Intelligence and Vocabulary Knowledge in Iranian EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate
Mother Nature and Poetry: A Lacanian Reading of the Role of Nature in Light, Flowers,Water, and I by Sohrab Sepehri and Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth
EFL Learners’ Attitudes towards the Implementation of Technology in Language Teaching
Plath as a Scattered Self Based on Kristevan Theory of Abject
Rise of Black Man: The Influences of Malcolm X on Amiri Baraka
Social Network-based Instruction and Vocabulary Learning: A Case of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
Enhancing ESP Learners’ Technical Expressions through Guessing, Word Recognition, and App Dictionary Strategies
The Attitude of Iranian High School English Teachers Regarding Prospect Book Series:A Gender-Based Comparison
The Burden of Gender: A Study of Femininity in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye
The Effect of Using Reading Skill Builder Software on Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
Where is Herland in A Modern Utopia: An Ecocritical Reading of the Two Utopias
استعارههای مفهومی عاطفی در رمان سرگذشت ندیمه
بررسی جایگاه ضمیر انتزاعی در بند مصدری و ساخت مجهول در زبان ترکی
بررسی همگرایی معنایی در واژگان مربوط به باد، باران، گل و برنج در زبان گیلکی بر اساس نظریه نسبیت زبانی ساپیر-وورف: شواهدی از گونه های غرب گیلان
پلاسکو: بررسی سرتیترهای روزنامه ها در روز نخست گزارش حادثه
پیاده سازی فناوری در آموزش زبان
پیوند خوردگی در استرالیا: خوانش پسا استعماری گزیده ای از اشعار اوجرو نوناکال
تاثیر جنسیت بر خطاهای صورت گرفته از نوع حذف توسط زبان آموزان سطح متوسط آموزشگاه های زبان انگلیسی بر مبنای رویکرد تحلیل خطا
ترجمه: تجسم عینی سویه کاربردی هرمنوتیک فلسفی