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Fourth International Fisheries and Aquatic Research Congress
Fourth International Fisheries and Aquatic Research Congress In date 2020-11-10 by Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute, in City Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings Fourth International Fisheries and Aquatic Research Congress
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Accepted papers in Fourth International Fisheries and Aquatic Research Congress
Assessment of different Arthrospira plantesis cultivation methods in saltwater and freshwater for mass production
Phytoplankton population structure in Lake Urmia during low water level
Extraction and total production price determination of sodium alginate from brown seaweed Sargassum illicifolium of Chabahar bay- Sistan and Baluchistan province, IRAN
Effect of temperature, phosphorous and light on growth of Oscillatoria agardhii
Investigation of acute crude oil exposure on basic physiological function of Persian Sturgeon (Acipenserpersicus)
Unialgal culture of pseudonitzschia (Bacillariophyceae)species a Domoic Acid (AD) toxin producer, local of Oman Sea
Algae macrophytes and their advantages and disadvantages in the diet of livestock, poultry and aquatic animals - A review
Study on Water quality of Sanandaj Dam lake by algal biological indicators- IRAN
Isolation and purification of a causative red tide former species; Leptocylindrus danicus (Bacillariophyceae), from the northern part of Oman Sea
The presence of toxic dinoflagellate Amphidinium sp. (Myzozoa) in the coastal waters of Sea of Oman with the potential to cause Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Evaluation of Different Seaweed Species (Rhodophyte) as a Source of Agar
Applying Immobilization and Gel Entrapment Techniques for Microalgal Cell Preservation and Evaluation of their Efficiencies
Individual and community changes of Pseudonitzschia seriata (phytoplankton) abundance during the activity of fish breeding in the southern of Caspian Sea
Epilithic diatoms of the guvercinlik pond (Arguvan/Malatya, Turkey)
Environmental conditions assessment in the population structure of artificial reef fishes in the Persian Gulf (Bandar-e-Bostaneh and Salakh)
Artificial reefs in the optimization of environmental conditions in marine cage
Common trends in catch per unit efforts of three kilka species and environmental variables time series in the southern Caspian Sea
The effect of acidified seawater on shell characteristics of blood cockle, Tegillarca granosa
Estimation of ornamental and reef fishes standing biomass in the Persian Gulf (Lark Island)
Growth and biometrics of the Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (Linné. 1758) on the coast of Kabylia: region of Tigzirt province of Tizi-Ouzou.
Adaptation of Beroe ovata to Caspian Sea Waters and predict its entry
Environmental effect on growth of Chelon subviridis found in Indus River, Sindh-Pakistan
Assessing the impact of some Climate parameters variations on the CPUE fluctuations of Sardine and Anchovy in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea
Appearance of new alien ctenophore Beroe ovata in Caspian Sea could bring about ecosystem recovery
The effects of different powdered dried diets on growth performance of Acanthocyclops trajani (Mirabdullayev and Defaye, 2002)
Study on the age and growth of Caspian trout (Salmo Caspius) in the south of the Caspian Sea via back calculation technique
Why marine Catfish Plotosus lineatus is unique amongst all of the teleosts?
Effect of Static Magnetic Field on bcl-2 and hsp70 expression in Zebrafish, Danio rerio
Pseudomonas psychrophila, a new pathogen causing disease in cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Effects of gelatinous plankton (Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata) on Caspian Sea fish and their food resources
Assessment of fisheries index of small pelagic fishes (sardine and anchovy) in Hormozgan province, Iran
Prevalence, Morphology and Severity of infestation of Echinocephalus overstreeti (Gnathostomatidae) from the Goldsilk Seabream marine fish, Acanthopagrus berda Karnataka, India.
Investigation of Cs-137 radioactive pollution from fall-out in the southern part of the Caspian sea
Measurement of Radioactive Materials in Muscle of Liza Aurata in South Coasts of Caspian Sea
The survey of nauplius and cyprid larvae of Amphibalanus improvisus (Darwin, 1854) in different areas of the southern Caspian Sea
Expansion of Eichhornia crassipes in reservoir Aghozbon village, possibility of destruction of other water resources and Strategies for Control them
Frequency of fishes from Hara protected area, Hormozgan province, Persian Gulf
Identification of Ichthyoplankton in the Khuran Estuaries (Straits International Wetland)
Diverstiy of Onchoproteocephalidea and Phyllobothridea (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda) in elasmobranches from the Gulf of Oman
The Study of Food dietary Anadonta cygnea in Anzali Wetland
Effects of Different Intensities of Magnetic Fields on Sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus: Physiological and Biochemical Responses
The effect of water pollution on the rate of uptake of heavy elements by aquatic animals
Antibacterial activity of cutaneous against Aeromonas hydrophila in mature goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Determination of pathogenicity of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from bacterial septicemia in cultured carp by genotypic and phenotypic methods
Effects of sub-acute exposure of nickel on hepatic enzymes' activity of silver carp (Hypophthalmicthys molitrix)
Evaluation of lemon verbena leaves powder (Aloysia citrodora) as a feed additive to improving hematological parameters and immunization in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Effects of canola meal substitution on growth performance and digestive enzymes activity of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
The description of the externa of Sacculina beauforti and its effect on the hepatosomatic index of the orange mud crab Scylla olivacea
Cell culture-based diagnosis of notifiable viral diseases in rainbow trout populations to make a SPF rainbow trout farm
The sub lethal concentration (LC50) of Aeromonas hydrophila for hybrid lemon fin barb postlarvae
Treatments for common diseases affecting ropical seahorse, Hippocampus barbouri in captive condition
Treatment of Marine Fish Broodstocks Involved with Amyloodinium ocellatum (Brown, 1931) Ectoparasite
Bacterial disease of goldfish in Guilan province
Qualitative improvement of Chaetoceros culture medium (stock medium) used in aquaculture by adding antibiotic in the media in phyco-lab.
A Team Approach To Aquatic Animal Health In A Large Retail Environment
Evaluation of killed vaccine efficacy against Viral Nervous Necrosis Disease (VNND) in terms of antibody titer, Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) and Lysozyme parameters changes on Acipenser stellatus
Investigstion on effect prepared vaccine by gamma irradiation on production rate and resistance to white spot disease in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei
Incidence of Vibriosis disease of Cultured Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) in Iran
Phage Therapy Application for Biological Control Phathogens in Aquaculture
Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) approach in shrimp aquaculture
The Comparison Study of In-vitro Antimicrobial Effects of AQUAFLORFENICOL 50 % Product of Iranian Company on Some Rainbow Trout Pathogens
Effects of canola meal substitution on mucosal innate immunity, hepatic oxidative status, liver and intestine histomorphopathology of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Effects of waterborne exposure of different copper nanoparticle levels on oxidative stress in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) juvenile
Effects of dietary exposure of different copper nanoparticle levels on intestine histopathology in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) juvenile
Histological study of kidney & gill during smoltification in Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius)
Effect of different chronic salinity regimes on survival and hematologic indices of three different common carp population
Measurement the level of heavy metal (lead) in muscle tissue of Acanthopagrus Cuvieri from Asaluyeh Port
Ecological Risk Assessment of Pollution in Sedimen on Bentic Fauna in Coast of Bandar Abbas
Evaluation of microbial bio indicators of Gargar river and the effect of warmwater fish farms effluent on on the river
Aquatics bio-products and their roles in immunity
Effects of Zinc Sulfate (ZnSO4) supplementation on carcass quality of goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Oxidative Stress Responses in Goldfish (Carassius auratus) Induced by Zinc Sulfate (ZnSO4)
Investigating the cause of mortality of Peacock bass fish (Cichla sp.) in an ornamental fish breeding center in Tehran.
Investigating the cause of abdomen enlargement in a Goldfish (Carassius auratus) in Tehran.
An overview of fish zoonotic diseases, control and prevention
The first report and molecular characterization of Dactylogyrus minutus Kulwiec, 1927 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from cultivated common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Iran
Monogenean parasites of prusian carp in Persian Gulf Martyrs lake Tehran, Iran
Improving the blood and immune characteristics of the Astronotus ocellatus by adding Bacillus subtilis probiotics
Surgery of swollen and inflamed eyes with severe exophthalemia in Oscar fish
A comparative study of osteology of two Flowerhorn and Oscar fishes with a farming and nurturing approach
Effect of Holothoria leucospilota extract against gastric ulcer in Rat
Considering the effect of common myrtle (Myrtus Communis) on growth and survival of gold fish (Carassius auratus)
Considering the effect of common myrtle (Myrtus Communis) on stimulating immunological system of gold fish (Carassius auratus)
Antibiotic resistance of Aeromonas hydrophila in warm water fish of Guilan province
Evaluate the effect of bronopol (2-bromo-2-nitro-1,3-propanediol) to control syndrome of fry-fish-loss in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) cultivation.
An Assessment of rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) by Egteved disease (Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus - VHS) detection during 4 years (2012-2015 A.D.) with cell culture & molecular method (RT-PCR).
Effects of different levels of paprika powder on some hematological and serum biochemical parameters of benni fish (Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi)
Evaluation of some haematological and immunological parameters of benni fish (Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi) fed with different levels of onion powder (Allium cepa)
The role of bacterial contamination in fisheries products
Effects of feeding four types of lactic acid bacteria isolated from the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) on the hematological and biochemical indices of this fish
Study on the helminth parasites in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) in the southwest coasts of the Caspian Sea (2010-2012)
Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Effects of AQUASTART Product of Iranian Company on Some Fish Pathogens
The challenge of Aeromonas hydrophila and bacteriophage AHɸ3 to rainbow trout in order to evaluate of survival rate
Catch Per Unit Area (CPUA) estimation and distribution pattern of pharaoh cuttlefish from North Coast of Gulf of Oman
Opening ratio of bottom trawl and estimating the total allowable catch in shrimp fisheries management
Lobster stock enhancement in order to fisheries productivity development in south coast of Iran: with emphasis on spiny rock lobster Panulirus homarus
Study of diversity and abundance of Chironomidae larvae in Sefidroud estuary (south Caspian Sea)
Introduction and distribution of Chironomidae larvae in Cheshmehkileh estuary of Tonekabon (south Caspian Sea)
Spatial and temporal of Chironomidae larvae fauna in Sardabroud estuary (south Caspian Sea)
Variation of water quality Index (IRWQI) in Chitgar Lake during 2013-2019
Predict harvesting of Trichiurus lepturus (Largehead Hairtail) stocks in Perian Gulf and Sea of Oman (Iran)
Mediterranean marine fisheries management
Relationship of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Consumption and Heart Failure
Determination of Algal Toxins (Domoic Acid & Okadaic Acid) Producers in Persian Gulf Waters from Hormozgan Province
Removal of heavy metals and suspended solids from shrimp culture wastewater in Bushehr province, using cold plasma technology
Zoonotic Newemergent Viruses in Aquatic Animals
Investigating and analyzing educational challenges in the production of warm water fish culture from the perspective of fish farmers (case study: Khorramshahr, Iran)
Long-term analysis of Chilean marine fisheries: potential role of climate changes and human management
Artificial Intelligence use cases in Aquaculture Fisheries Engineering
Causes of Fish Kills in Penang, Malaysia in year 2019, in conjunction to Typhoon Lekima
Study on coastal water quality index of Caspian Sea (CWQIcs) around the small scale of fish cage culture
Trophic dynamics analysis and ecosystem structure of the northern Oman Sea
Case study in Malaysia: spatial water quality assessment of Juru, kuantan and Johor river basins using environmentric techniques
Predictable impacts of climate change on tropical and sub-tropical marine fisheries
Impact of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture Activities in Southern Iraq
Environmental Quality Assessment of Sediments in the South East ports of Caspian Sea by use of the Biotic Index (AMBI) And (M-AMBI)
An Ecological Assessment on Macrobenthos Communities in the Estuaries next to Fishery Grounds in West of Hormozgan province
Ecological investigation of mudskeapers species in costal area in Tiab and Khamir ports,Hormozgan, Iran.
Investigation of density and biomass of macrobenthos communities in Tyab estuary - Hormozgan province
Distribution of phosphorus, nitrogen species and carbon in below-cage sediments at the rainbow trout farms in the southern of Caspian Sea (2018-2019)
The effect of Covid-19 on the shrimp industry of Boushehr province
The effect of covid-19 on seafood markets
Economic consequences the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on health and food safety in fisheries and agriculture
Effect of COVID - 19 on the fisheries industry in Asia
Fish-derived antimicrobial peptides (AMPs): promising and novel candidates as potential therapeutic molecules for the preventing and treatment of Covid-19
The influence of Covid-19 Coronavirus on world shrimp culture and trade
The Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the seafood industry
COVID-19 Pandemic Effects on Aquaculture Industry
The impact of the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) of the century on fisheries and aquaculture
Antiviral properties of marine polysaccharides against coronavirus
Effects of COVID-19 on Fishery economics and Aquaculture activities
The Impacts of COVID-19 on Fisheries and Seafood: a Review
Some biological characteristics of oriental river freshwater prawn Macrobrachium (Macrobrachium nipponense) Holthuis, 1951 (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) in Alagol Lagoon, Iran
Investigating of different diet combination on the sexual process of Western White Shrimp Female broodstocks
Application of horseshoe crab, Tachypleus gigas eggs peri-vitelline fluid on rat wound
Shrimp fisheries management in the Hormozgan province
Monitoring of white spot syndrome disease in carriers and crustaceans isolated from water intake areas leading to shrimp aquaculture stations in Hormozgan province using molecular markers
The effect of different densities on the profitability of Litopenaeus vannamei rearing at the earthen pond
Slipper Lobsters, an economic species in the aquaculture industry
A comparative study on the shrimp culture practices of Litopenaeus vannamei with automatic feeder and boat feeding technique along Karaikal region.
Bioremediation Technology Using Quantum Powder and Oxygen Powder to Degrease and Clean the Floor of Shrimp Culture Soil Ponds
The relationships between catch per unit area (CPUA) in jinga shrimp (Metapenaeus affinis) and ecological parameters in the North West Persian Gulf
Effect of dietary ImmunoWall on liver oxidative status in juvenile Persian sturgeon
Effects of supernurients on some stress and biochemical indices in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)
Greenhouse Tilapia Culture in aquaponic system
Changes in some reproductive indices of male Angel brood stocks, Pterophyllum Scalare, in exposure to electromagnetic waves
Preliminary study on the growth development of blood cockle (Tegillarca granosa) by using different substrates in the hatchery system
Effect of different stocking density on growth, survival on Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) in summer and monsoon crop in province of Gujarat states in India
The use of chitosan and zinc oxide nanocomposites to reduce fouling organisms in marine cages
The study on interaction between fish cage culture activity and sediment population dynamics of heterotrophic bacteria in the southern of Caspian Sea (Nowshahr region)
Investigating the possibility of carp farming (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus1758) in earthen ponds with salty and fresh water
Bioaccumulation heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Ni) in Epinephelus coioides captured along coastal of Persian Gulf (Bushehr-Assaloyieh), Iran
Use of selenium nanoparticles to increase growth efficiency in marine aquaculture
The Effects of indigenous probiotics mixture with quorum quenching characteristics on growth performance, feed utilization and health status of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer)
The effect of aqueous and ethanol extract of saffron (Crocus Sativus) petal on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) growth performance
A comparative study on enzyme activities (Lysozyme, Trypsin and Alkaline phosphatase) in the epidermal mucus of four aquarium fish species.
Investigation on the effect of Genistein on sex ratio of Ranbow trout larvae during labile period
Responses of White Oscar Astronotus ocellatus growth factors to diets containing two different pigments; pink Lucantin and yellow Carofil
Study of mycobacterium, a zoonosis threat to ornamental fish industry and an issue for human health
Feasibility of fish cage culture based on physico-chemical parameters affecting water quality and trophic level of Hasanlou Dam Reservoir, West Azarbaijan, Iran
Effect of probiotic bacteria Weissella cibaria on growth characteristics of Common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
The small-spotted catshark, Scyliorhinus canicula, transfer from catch to the public aquarium for the exhibition
Influence of partial replacement of dietary fish meal with Sargassum ilicifolium meal on growth performance, innate immune responses and immune related-genes expression in Lates calcarifer juveniles
Backcross Breeding between TGGG Hybrid Grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x E. lanceolatus) and Giant Grouper (E. lanceolatus)
Generate a DNA Barcode for Caspian Sea sturgeons and identify species
A Fresh look at Progress and Perspective of Genomic Selection in Aquaculture:From Functional Genomics to Phenome Networks
Association of genetic polymorphism in growth related gene with body weight and length in farm populations of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Genetic variability and structure of Mnemiopsis leidyi Populations in the Caspian and Black Seas based on mitochondrial DNA sequencing
Evaluation of Ibuprofen Contamination on Genetic Changes in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Live gene bank of the wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio.L. 1758) originated form the Caspian Sea.
Feasibility study of breeding the Macrobrachium rosenbergii in drain water of sugarcane farms (Mirza koochak Khan sugarcane agro-industry)
Genetic diversity of the freshwater species Alburnus mossulensis (Heckel, 1843) in the Lorestan province rivers (Iran)
Microsatellite Genetic Differentiation Between Populations of European Catfish (Silurus glanis)
Application of DNA flow cytometry for detecting ploidy level of tetraploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Population genetics of Capoeta aculeata as determined from mitochondrial DNA variation of the control region
Development of primary cell cultures from Rutilus kutum
Optimization of Thermal Shock for Triploidy Induction in Rainbow Trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Assessing of genetic resource of coldwater fishes in Iran for the conservation
Population genetic characterization of endangered Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) in Caspian Sea based on mitochondrial DNA data
Opportunities created by pandemic for seafood industry time for action and change
The use of the Boston matrix (BCG) in the futurism of Iran's shrimp export trade and strategic planning Iran's role in the future of international shrimp trade
Fish oil encapsulation and its application in the food industry: A review
The importance of the cold chain logistics in the marketing process of aquatic products: A review Study
Comparative Analysis of the Role of Technical and Economic Components in Improving the Efficiency of Traditional Shrimp Farming and Biofloc System in Bushehr Province Using Matrix (SWOT)
Oyster Farming Potential in Sabah, Malaysia
Sea Cucumber Aquaculture Business Potential in Middle East and South-East Asia - Pathways for Ecological, Social and Economic Sustainability
The Effect of Tide Simulation on Growth and Survival of Saccostrea cucullata at Indoor Condition
Identifications associated molluscs with corals in Qeshm Island (Berke Khalaf and Naz coasts)
Salinity Effect on Saccostrea cucullata (Born, 1778) Growth Factors in the Persian Gulf
Optimizing Diet for Persian Gulf Hooded Oyster (Saccostrea cucullata) at Indoor Culture System
Antioxidant peptidic components derived from epidermal mucus of Neogobius fluviatilis pallasi.
Comparative studies on antioxidant properties of wild and cultured shrimps
Bioremediation of thermal power plant effluents with chitosan and chitosan nano particles
Evaluation of Ulva reticulata for the bioremediation of nutrients from Kelung River, Penang, Malaysia
Anticancer Activity of bioactive peptides extracted from Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) skin
The application and importance of nanotechnology in the prevention and management of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in aquaculture.
The effect of tempura batter on sensory properties of raw and cooked breaded Kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris)
Extraction of Abscisic acid, Gibberellic acid and Auxin from Sargassum sp. and Gracilaria corticata Macroalgaes for Use in Algae Liquid Fertilizer in Bushehr Port
Extraction of Plant Growth Regulator Hormones; Abscisic Acid, Gibberellic Acid, Zeatin and Auxin from Gracilaria corticata for Agricultural and pharmaceutical Purposes
Effect of dietary probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum on intestinal microbiota and digestive enzyme activity of narrow clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus, Eschscholtz).
A New Approach of Aquaculture by Emphasis on Magnetic Fields
Effect of different waterborne copper nanoparticles level on kidney histopathology of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry
Effect of nutrition with Lactobacillus Casei on the expression of interleukin-10 gene in zebrafish
Onion powder as feed additive in Procambarus clarkii culture
Comparing the most preferred raw feed for Mud Spiny Lobster Panulirus polyphagus growth in pit culture at intertidal area of Akatariya (Mahuva) coast
Application of dried shrimp head in the diets of sea cucumber Holothuria scabra
Probiotic supplements as an alternative medicine; investigation the Effect of Lactobacillus casei on liver function of Koi Fish (Cyprinus Rubrofuscus L.) in exposure to pathogen as an animal model
Investigation the effects of Bifidobacterium Bifidum as a probiotic on Liver function enzymes due to exposure to E.coli O157H7 in Koi fish (Cyprinus Rubrofuscus) as an animal model
Study on activity of enzymes and growth indices in farmed Beluga juveniles (Huso huso) fed with diet containing Sodium chloride (NaCl)
Sugar Profile of Riverine Fruits in the Natural Diet of Malaysian Mahseer, Tor tambroides (Bleeker, 1854)
Efficacy of incorporating spent seaweeds in aqua feeds as a nutritional source
Effect of dietary medicinal plants on some biochemical hematological parameters of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)
Amino acid retention and growth performance of juvenile sobaity sea bream (Sparidentex hasta) fed diet contain combination of fish meal and poultry by-product meal
The effects of fasting and re-feeding periods on growth performance and feed efficiency of Sobaity seabream (Sparidentex hasta) and yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus)
Dietary effects of extruded feed on biochemical and hematological indices of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Feeding preference of juvenile mud crab (Scylla olivacea, Herbst, 1896) in captivity
Length-weight relationship, relative condition factor and growth of tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Bleeker 1853) juveniles fed with varying levels ofdietary carbohydrate
Nutritional Analysis of Small Indigenous Fishes for Micronutrients Requirements of the People.
A study of the Digestive Tract of Hybrid Malaysian Mahseer (Barbonymus gonionotus ♀ × Tor tambroides ♂) During the Larval Stage
Potential of oil seed meal as protein source for substitution of fish meal in the formulated diets
Evaluate the use of extruded feed diets on rainbow trout growth indicators
Can dietary Lactobacillus plantarum enhance growth performance in zebrafish (Danio rerio)?
Compensatory growth in yellowfin seabream, Acanthopagrus latus: effect on growth, digestive enzyme activities and antioxidant defense
Study of Serum antioxidant avtivity common carp fed dietary water hyacinth
Effect of Dilution Rate on the Nutrient Removal from Urban Wastewater by Chlorella Vulgaris in the Continuous Culture System
Study of Immune mucose factor common carp fed dietary water hyacinth
Effect of dietary astaxanthin carotenoid on some biological indices in pre broodstock farmed females sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)
Using supernutrients for eliminating of antibiotics in diet of juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)
The effects of dietary galactooligosaccharide on innate immune response and stress resistance of Narrow clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823)
Extracted Fish Proten Concentrates (FPC) from two species of commercial (Liza Klunzingeri) and industrial (Lanter Fish)in Persian Gulf and comparison quality and nutrional value of both to be used in food industry
Extension of fish sausage shelf-life adding green capsicum essence
Freshness indicator; an index for qualitative evaluation of rainbow trout fillet
The role of pink lucantin and yellow carofil pigments in the color intensity of white Oscar Astronotus ocellatus fish spots
Effect of encapsulated microalgae (Spirulina platensis) in the poultry industry
Amino acids profile changes of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) skin hydrolysate during hydrolyzing by Alcalase
Evaluation of applying Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus sakei starters on chemical and microbial properties of "Mahyaveh" fermented fish sauce
Effects of rosemary extract, Rosmarinus officinalis to extent the shelf-life of black sea kilka, Clupeonella cultriventris caspia ball during short storage in refrigerated temperature
Effect of different fillers on some physicochemical characteristics of canned rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Application of Silver Nanoparticles in Fishery Products Industry
The effects of thermal processes on the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fish
Determination of Lethal Concentration (LC50) of Silver Nanoparticles Produced By Biological and Chemical Methods in Asian Sea Bass Fish
Antioxidant potential of rosemary extract and thyme in prolonging the shelf life of minced carp (Hypophtalmichthys molitrix)
The Effect of Formulated Dietary Nutrition and barley on Fatty Acid Composition in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Polyuculture Fish Farming
The effect of commercial dry food nutrition on the production-economic indicators of farmed carp (Cyprinus carpio) in polyculture method
Different kind of structures for keeping captive sturgeons brood stock
Maternal transferring of thyroid hormones in Stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus)
The effects of water salinity on growth and osmotic stress indices in yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus)
Study on the effect of decrease in water temperature on the end of rearing period of female Huso huso breeders and its effect on quantity and quality of artificial propagation and caviar removal
Rearing of wild sturgeon broodstock propagated using oviduct microicision method
Comparative Study of Hormonal Stimulation of HCG, PG-extract and Ovaprim on Thermal Accumulation Period and Egg Production in Grass Carp Ctenopharyngodon idella
Determination of artificial propagation biotechniqe of Rohu rohita in order to increased production and species diversity in the warm water fish system Hamilton, 1822
Use of dopamine antagonists to improve tilapia reproduction indices
Histological development of eye in Caspian roach, Rutilus lacustris (Pallas, 1814) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) during early ontogeny