the first conference on intelligent transportation systems development solutions, آبان ماه ۱۳۹۸

the first conference on intelligent transportation systems development solutions

the first conference on intelligent transportation systems development solutions

Poster of the first conference on intelligent transportation systems development solutions

the first conference on intelligent transportation systems development solutions In date 2019-10-31 by Islamic Azad University of Shahr Rey,دبيرخانه برنامه علمي شبكه هاي ارتباطي و حمل و نقل دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي واحد يادگار امام خميني (شهرري) و ستاد توسعه فناورهاي حوزه فضايي و حمل و نقل پيشرفته معاونت علمي و فناوري رياست جمهوري in City Tehran was held.This conference is held by Civilica Sponsoring and articles and will be indexed in CIVILICA