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Number of Articles: 59Number of Proceeding pages: 226
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5Seminar on Harmonic Analysis and Applications
5Seminar on Harmonic Analysis and Applications In date 2017-01-18 by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, in City Mashhad was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS 5Seminar on Harmonic Analysis and Applications
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Accepted papers in 5Seminar on Harmonic Analysis and Applications
Numerical study of radial Schrödinger Equation for free particle,using Legender wavelet
On the convolution of functions
Generic continuity of KC-functions
On the continuous wave packet frames
Solving the wave equation with shearlet frames
Derivations on the Banach algebra L1(G) of a locally compact group
Duals of K-fusion frames
U-cross Gram matrixes and their associated reconstructions
Some properties of K-fusion frames and their multipliers
نوع جدید کامل سازی در فضای متریک
آنتروپی روی فضای توپولوژی و یکنواخت
ابرگروهواره های توپولوژیکی
Drazin and Moore-Penrose spectrum
Transitivity Property and Extended Weil Formula
Comparison of the topological centers of a bilinear mapping and its third adjoint
Cardinality of the set of topologically left invariant means on left uniformly continuous functionals
Cyclic amenability of certain product of Banach modules
Weak amenability of generalized matrix Banach algebras
Analysis of Inpainting via Universal Shearlet Systems
On the higher dimensional shearlet group
Solving a Nonlinear Multi-Order Fractional Differential EquationUsing Haar wavelets
On some solvable extensions of the Heisenberg group II
Distribution functions, decreasing rearrangements and Lp; spaces
A note on generalized (; )-derivations in Banach algebras
Contractibility of non-Archimedean Banach algebras
Parseval admissible vectors on hypergroups
Hecke -Algebras on Hypergroups
Sampling and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
Wavelet method for time-fractional convection-diusion equations
Wavelet on 2-sphere
Martingale inequalities in Noncommutative probability spaces
Camparing Some Properties of Frames and K-Frames in Hilbert Spaces
The condition of uniqueness dual for frames and K-frames
Ternary n-Weak Amenability of JB-triples
ContinuousWavelet Transform on a Quaternionic Hilbert Space
On the proximinality of subsets of some Banach spaces
Shearlet frame applications in solving some 2-D numerical analysis problems
On ternary amenable commutative JB triple systems
Some characterizations of trivolutive Banach algebras
UEB-Topology on the Norm-Strict Bidual of Banach Algebras
Wavelet Collocation Method for Solving The Model of Drug Release
Banach function algebras generated by normed vector spaces and linear functionals
Certain Subspaces of the Dual of a Banach Algebra
Recent Progresses in Zero Product Preserving Maps on Certain Banach Algebras
Coherent Frames
Wavelets method for solving a class of fractional partial integro-di erential equations
Using a refinable function for the construction of multiresolution analysis in L2(G)
Frames and SingleWavelets for Groups
The X-ray transform and its application in crystallography
Creation and annihilation operators on de Sitter manifold
Banach modules and comodules of Banach coalgebras
A Note On The Stahl’s Theorem
Second transpose of a dual valued derivation
Generalized SHift-Invariant Systems and Dual Frames for Subspaces
The relation between existence of admissible vectors and compactness of a locally compact group
Weak Almost Periodicity and Uniform Continuity on a Locally Compact Quantum Group
Weighted Hardy-type Inequalities with Sharp Constants in Lp Spaces