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The 12th Seminar on Linear Algebra and its Applications
The 12th Seminar on Linear Algebra and its Applications In date 2023-07-18 by Sahand University of Technology,Iranian Mathematical Society in City Tabriz was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: Proceedings The 12th Seminar on Linear Algebra and its Applications
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Accepted papers in The 12th Seminar on Linear Algebra and its Applications
Ballantine’s type theorem for complex symplectic group۱
The new developments of matrix and tensor equations
Randomization for solving difficult linear algebra problems۱
Positive Classes of Matrices
Spectra and pseuduospectra of matrices۱
A two-dimensional minimum residual technique foraccelerating two-step iterative solvers۱
Fourier Like Systems, Frame of Translates and theirOblique Duals on LCA-groups
Stationary Graph Signals
Matrix and tensor modeling in Artificial intelligence anddata science
Numerical radius: New Extensions and Inequalities
Perturbation of Woven g-fusion Frames
Quantum Detection Problem via Fusion Frames
Some properties of the block Toeplitz-Hessenberg matrices
Extensions of the fundamental theorem of algebra
Some properties of a special companion matrices and theirpowers
Matrix representation of multilinear mappings
Nonlinear maps preserving the mixed product
On completely preserving maps
Linear preservers of G-matrices on M۲
A new fast shift-splitting preconditioner for saddle pointproblems
An iterative method for solving the constrained tensorequation using the Einstein product
On Fuglede-Putnam property of Moore-Penroseinverse
Jordan triple ∗-derivations on prime ∗-algebras
An invitation to some operator entropies
The Legendre pseudospectral method for a time-fractionaloptimal control problem
Applications of positive definite matrices in the numericalmethods for ODEs
On some identities and inequalities for ۲-Frames in ۲-Innerproduct Spaces
Some properties of fuzzy frames
Positive definite kernels and reproducing kernel Hilbertspaces
Application of Fourier series in deriving stabilitypolynomial of multivalue methods for ODEs
On the stability analysis of a class of multistep collocationmethods for ODEs
Estimating the Estrada Index
On pliable source index coding
The Distribution of Product Random Stochastic Matrices:By Dirichlet Distribution
Improved Ridge-Type Estimators in Multivariate MultipleLinear Model
An approximation for the conformable time-space fractionaldiffusion equation
Control of condition number in Spectral Galerkinimplementation for solving generalized Abel integralequation
Optimal scaling of the memoryless quasi–Newton updatingformulas
Hybrid scalarization technique for solving multiobjectivequadratically constrained quadratic programming
Geometric optimization via system of fuzzy relationinequalities
Entropy for h-convex functions
Some properties of multiplicative-additive functions withapplications
The behavior of an operator in terms of its components onHilbert C∗-modules
Existence of positive operators associated with locallycompact groups
A numerical method for solving fractional one-dimensionalDirac operator
A new class of second derivative multistep methods for stiffODEs
A FAS multigrid scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws
Construction of completely positive matrices
Frame theory and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
Some classes of Mengerian simplicial complexes
Study on Some Integral Inequalities for Pseudo-Integrals
Some facts about Quasi-Block Toeplitz matrices
Bounds for Norms of Matrix Functions
Monomial geometric optimization through fuzzy relationinequalities
Maps preserving the parallel sum of operators
An efficient algorithm for solving fractional Sturm-Liouvilledifferential operators with a constant delay
Computing Gröbner bases of an expanded set ofpolynomials
The distribution of Nadarajah and Kotz revisited
On the stability of two-step Runge–Kutta methods
The λ-mean transform of operators
Some properties of fuzzy inner product spaces
مروری بر تاریخ ریاضی پژوهی در ایران تا سال ۱۳۵۰ ایرانی
در باب استادم حیدر رجوی
قاب ها، نیم ‑قاب ها و نمایش های القا شده
کاربرد روش منظم سازی تیخونوف تکراری آرنولدی برای بازسازی شکل یک جسم ناهمسانگرد در پراکندگی معکوس امواج الکترومغناطیسی
تاریخچه ماتریس و دترمینان قبل از قرن بیستم
یک روش تقریبی برای محاسبه ماتریس انتقال حالت
جایابی ساختار ویژه: ابزاری موثر از جبرخطی جهت تشخیص عیب
یافتن جواب بهینه دستگاه معادلات غیر خطی با روش بهینه سازی کپک مخاطی
آنالیز همگرایی و پایداری یک روش عددی با مرتبه دقت بالا برای مساله نفوذ کسری
حل معادلات دیفرانسیل کسری با استفاده از موجک های بی اسپلاین خطی
بررسی حل پذیری دستگاه معادلات حاصل از روش هم محلی برای حل معادله انتگرال ولترای نوع سوم
حل معادلات ماتریسی خطی به روش بهینه سازی تکامل تفاضلی
کارگاه جبرخطی تجربی